Choice-based Art for Students with Disabilities

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Going through mounting artworks for Arnheim Gallery

Today, I mounted digital pixes of students' 3D works and original 2D works. As I spread out the mounted works, I couldn't help noticing no two projects look alike, each one has it's own theme and unique learning approaches.

I think back when I have been working with my art students for past nine years. Many times I have told them it is not just about doing art but much more in seeing them applying their critical thinking skill, problem-solving skill, mastering tools with proper usuage and care, talking in art terms with on-going dialogues (this one is the hardest for the kids and me due to visual cognitive language comprehension, I am working on it], also working-in-progress, practicing, practicing, practicing, doing it again and again with each new in-sightful suggestions to try. One thing for sure, I never have had a dull moment!


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